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Masdar City is a subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company. We report to a board of directors and are led by an internal leadership team that is committed to sustainability, innovation, and building the city of the future.

Abdulla Ahmed Balalaa
Chairman, Masdar Green REIT, Masdar City

Ahmed Baghoum
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Mohamed Al Breiki
Executive Director, Sustainable Development

Mahmoud Alhosani
Executive Director, Finance and Support Services

Steve Severance
Director, Growth

Francisco Jose Galan
Director, Sustainable Development, Masdar City

Mohammed Abdelrazik
Director, Asset Management

Amier Alawadhi
Acting Director, Masdar City Free Zone

Chris Wan
Associate Director, Sustainability and CSR

Lukas Sokol
Head, Master Planning, City Design, and Sustainable Planning

Sami Abouhatab
Head, Human Capital and Emiratization, Masdar City

Suleiman Amin
Managing Director, The Catalyst

Michelle Sabti
Michelle Sabti leads the outreach and stakeholder relations initiatives for Masdar City.

Sebastien Miller
Manager, Public Realm Design

Mohamed Moussa
Manager, Project Delivery

Lutz Wilgen
Acting Head, Design Management

Benjamin Rumsey
Manager, Sustainable Development and Investment

Claire Hughes Munro
Head, Property Management and Leasing

Gaurish Wagle
Manager, Master Planning and Sustainability

Nermeen Negm
Acting Head, Marketing and Communications

Eyad Abdulla
Head, Information and Communication Technology

Fouad Iskandarani
Head, Facilities Management

Amna Saeed Alzaabi
Senior Analyst, Design Management, Sustainable Real Estate
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